
American Medical Foundation (AMF)
A Non-Profit Agency for Hospital Peer Review

        Academic Hospital Assistance

The only non-profit organization, experienced in the unique problems of academic institutions, such as department reorganization and the complex attending and residency issues. All under Federal PSO Protection. Our Residency Program Consultation Council can assist in determining the reasons behind any adverse actions by ACGME.  More

Expert Car­dio­vas­cu­lar Ser­vice Sup­port
Interventional Cardiology Peer Review
For over 30 years, the national leaders in Interventional Cardiology and AMF have provided independent peer review of cardiologists and cardiac catheterization laboratories, performing many thousands of high quality reviews for academic medical centers and community hospitals. We help labs achieve the highest level of patient safety through improvement in quality and appropriateness (AUC Guidelines).
Read how we can be of assistance to you
Cath Lab Digest describes American Medical Foundation’s long history and effectiveness in quality peer review, medical necessity and prevention of overutilization in Interventional Cardiology. Click here

         Federal and State Investigations

AMF is experienced and has served as the Institutional Review Organization (IRO) for hospitals that have been the subject of a Corporate Integrity Agreement (CIA) which have focused on Interventional cardiology and by mandate, under the same CIA, other specialty department and quality peer review issues. We are experienced in providing the required on-site cath lab expertise and service line oversight by nationally recognized leaders in the field.

We have responded to hospital attorney requests for cases involving quality of care, overutilization and medical necessity, in many areas including interventional cardiology, pacemakers, spinal surgery, sleep medicine, physical medicine and rehabilitation, otolaryngology, radiology, pathology and others.

Past Telementoring Presentations
AMF Executive Director, Evelyn Baram-Clothier, delivered a Keynote Address to the Federation of State Medical Boards 100th Anniversary Meeting on April 28, 2012. She presented the Bryant Galusha Lecture on the benefits of Telementoring on Post Graduate Physician Education, Patient Outcomes and Patient Safety.
AMF Executive Director, Evelyn Baram-Clothier, gave a Keynote Address on Telementoring and Post Graduate Physician Education at the Annual Meeting of the Council of Medical Specialty Societies November 19, 2012

American Medical Foundation PSO
Peer Review Protection Under Federal Law.
AMFPSO specializes in offering Federally-protected peer review to our PSO clients for the evaluation of clinical practice and specialty service lines. Read more
AMFPSO Partners
We are unique in forming partnerships with other PSO organizations to provide peer review support for their member hospitals.
California Hospital Patient Safety Organization (CHPSO) partners with The American Medical Foundation Patient Safety Organization (AMFPSO). Read more
Quality Circle for Healthcare, Inc. – Adventist Health System Patient Safety Organization (AHSPSO) partners with AMFPSO. Read more
Foundation for Advanced Medical Education
A non-profit agency for physician education.

Since 1987, AMF has been the leader in physician peer review often followed by onsite surgical mentoring for skills improvement using the nation’s most preeminent educators.
In 2001, our division FAME awarded a two million dollar grant to six surgical specialty societies to determine the optimal process to safely learn new procedures.  The results published in 2005 showed that our three-step template (didactic learning, simulation training, and on-site mentoring) was highly effective in improving skills for practicing clinicians.
Continuous on-site mentoring proved to be logistically challenging as travel was the major limiting step. AMF then created an opportunity for two specialty societies to test whether the process could be greatly improved by utilizing “remote presence”, telementoring. The newly published results below from our Grant were quite positive.
Surgical Telementoring to Improve Practice

Surgical Telementoring is “an effective educational tool”.This was the result of a Grant by AMF to SAGES and ASMBS which sponsored the first specialty society telementoring study for practicing surgeons: A Sleeve Gastrectomy Project: 2017 results

Read our Newsletter
World Premier Edition of Telementoring in Surgery.
The Best Hospital Telementoring Devices
Comparative Technology in Telementoring
Our broadcast to 200 hospitals in 49 countries…
International Leaders Join in Telementoring

Our new division, IFAST
International Foundation for Advancement of Surgical Telementoring Website